Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sweet Sorrow - Chapter 6

“Shall I call her or sms….how m I suppose to tell her that m thankful to her?” Ridzuan is on his bed while figuring out how to tell Lydia. “But will she mistaken me if I call her or sms at this time, she must be sleeping…..aaahhh….i must do something…yes…I have an idea…I’ll text her..see if she replies..” Ridzuan started to type a message and press the send button immediately. “Wah…now I feel relieved…wait…how if she is sleeping…I cannot wait for the reply…huh…this is even worst..”Ridzuan is restless. So he walk out of his room and headed straight to the kitchen, suddenly the phone rings…”ha..that must be her…wow..instead of replying my message, she called me…girls are fast nowadays” Ridzuan ran quickly into the room to pick the phone and he even answered the phone without looking at the caller. “Hello..what?...alright..i will be there right away”. It was a call from the hospital. Ridzuan quickly wore his jeans and t-shirt, grab the car on the table and rush towards the door. He starts the engine of the car and drove to the hospital.
“Doctor Ridzuan!” called one of the nurse. “Yes, m here, how is his condition?” Ridzuan asked in nervous. “We just injected him with 250mg of Gabapentin in hope it could calm him down, he is sleeping doctor.”Explains the nurse while she walks Ridzuan to the emergency room. The sound of beeping from the life supporting machine surrounds the room. Ridzuan walked to the 3rd bed on his left. He saw a young men, in his 20’s, lying unconsciously and his whole body is coated with blood. “Maria, cut his jeans and take off his shirt.” “But Doctor, we tried to cut his jean but it’s his leg, the leg…”Maria showing the leg part to Ridzuan. “Oh my god, why didn’t anyone do something, where is the doctor on duty, how many patients are you attending for tonight, this is ridiculous, you can’t leave him like this.” Ridzuan became emotional. Maria jolted from her standing spot and stepped backward. “Supposedly Doctor Sharmila and Doctor Lim should be around but Dr. Sharmila couldn’t come cos she is busy preparing for her wedding and Dr. Lim is attending another emergency case doctor.” Explains Maria. “Ok prepare all the apparatus, he need to be operated.” The patient’s leg was run by a tyre of a lorry and smashed the bones thus it need to be amputated. The operation took around 5 hours and the clock on the wall shows 4:47am. Ridzuan took off his mask and gloves and walk out of the room. “Doctor, anak saya macam mana? Dia selamatkan? Doctor tolong jawab…tolonglah selamatkan anak saya..tolong doctor!” seorang wanita dalam lingkungan usia 50an bagai meneta sedekah daripada Ridzuan. “Kamu siapa?” Tanya Ridzuan. Sayalah emak Azmi, dia anak saya doctor, dia masih muda lagi doctor, bagaimana keadaan dia..tolonglah doctor!” Emak Azmi terus merayu. “Jangan risau mak, dia sihat.Cuma kakinya terpaksa dibedah kerana telah remuk dinaiki tayar lori.” Jelas Ridzuan. “Apa, kaki kena bedah..? Ya Allah…” Emak Azmi menjerit lantas terus pengsan. Thank god Azmi’s mother was sempat disambut oleh Ridzuan. Her Daughter ran beside her and calls out for the mother. “Don’t worry, she’ll be alright, she is tired and shocked..and you are her daughter?” Tanya Ridzuan. “Yes Doctor, saya Farah, ini ibu saya dan di dalam tu abang saya, benarkah kaki abang saya telah dibedah?” Tanya Farah. “Jangan risau Farah, pembedahan sudah Berjaya dilakukan, keadaannya agak kritikal tadi, sekarang sudah baik semula, mana ayah Farah?” Tanya Ridzuan Sambil duduk disebelah Farah setelah merehatkan emak farah diatas kerusi. “Ayah dah meninggal semasa Farah masih kecil lagi, hanya abang dan emaklah yang menyara keluarga, Farah pun baru saja tamat SPM, masih mencari kerja. Emak kerja sebagai cleaner di kilang berhampiran. Abang sebagai mechanic. Entahlah macam mana selepas ini. “ Farah terasa sayu dan kelihatan air menitis dicelah pipi. “Jangan risau farah, Doctor rasa semuanya akan menjadi baik. Kalau Farah sudi, Doctor boleh kenalkan kawan doctor, dia ada advertising company, maybe Farah boleh kerja disana. Pasal Azmi, usah lah risau, dia masih muda, lagipun sekarangkan ada kaki palsu, jangan bimbang, doctor akan cuba dapatkannya melalui badan kebajikan.” Ridzuan cuba menenangkan Farah. Farah mengesat air matanya lantas terputik senyuman yakin pada wajahnya. Farah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ridzuan, lalu Ridzuan terus bangkit dari kerusi dan menghala ke biliknya.
Ridzuan merupaka seorang pakar bedah neuron yang terkenal dan berpengalaman, walaupun muda namun kecenderongannya dalam bidang kedoctoran memang jelas terbukti dengan dedikasi serta komitmen yang ditunjukkan. Adakalanya RIdzuan akan ditugaskan di bahagian Wad Kecemasan. Ridzuan juga agak arif dalam bab bedah-membedah.
Setelah mandi, Ridzuan bertolak pulang, jam sudah hampir pukul 6:00 pagi. Ridzuan terasa sangat letih and decided to grab some breakfast on his way back to his home. Setibanya di rumah, dia meletakkan nasi lemaknya di atas meja dan terus merebah di atas cushion kegemarannya. Baru Ridzuan sedar bahawa telefon bimbitnya masih dalam keadaan SILENT MODE. He took out his phone and tries to change the mode and was surprised to see that =he received a new message. He quickly open it up and was overwhelmed to know that the message was from Lydia.
“Welcome Ridz, I will collect the tupperwares later in the evening, maybe around 7:00 pm. Is it okay with you?”
Ridzuan suddenly became so happy and energetic and immediately he replied Lydia that he is free on that time. He just cant wait for the time to come so he decided to finish his nasi lemak and take a very long nap. He set his alarm at 5pm so that he will have ample of time to prepare.
While Lydia, who is getting ready to go work received a phone call from her mother. Her mother asked her to come back over the weekend because she is missing her daughter dearly. But Lydia, stated her refusal so politely, saying that she has something else to do and promised to her mother that she will hit home the following week instead. The mother sighs and sent her love through the phone and hang off the phone. Lydia who used to make her own food, packed all her stuff in her cute little plastic bag and headed towards the door. 2 of her housemates are on leave today, so they were suppose to cook for dinner. “Milah, jangan lupa nak masak k, there’s chicken and vege in the fridge, just do something, don’t keep us starving k dear…take care and love yah” “yerlah you too.”replied Milah while covering herself with the red blanket. They watched few dvd’s last night in the living hall and slept there itself since they are not working today. This is a normal routine of the girls. Lydia locked the door form the outside and walked her way to the elevator, when her phone rings again. It was a message tone. She took out her phone from her handbag and open read the message. It was from Ridzuan. She smiled and placed the phone back in her handbag. She got out the elevator and pressed the remote button to unlock her car. She sat inside and drove to her office.
“Kringggggggg….” The Alarm rang in Ridzuan’s room. He got so clumsily and grab the clock to see what the time it is. Its 5pm sharp. Ridzuan keep yawning, though his body permits him to leave the bed but the cold weather disallows. It is raining heavily outside. Then suddenly he realized that he has an appointment, so called appointment with Lydia, undeclared though. So he pick up the phone and saw there is a message for him. He open it up and it was from Lydia. The message says,
“I am really sorry Ridz, I think wont be coming over to collect my Tupperware today. I am working late tonight, will get them from you tomorrow. Take care and Bye.”
His whole world seems shattered. He lose his motivation to get off from the bed thus he continue sleeping. Suddenly the phone rang, he thought it was Lydia but unfortunately it was Cheah. “Hi Ridzuan, do you have plans for dinner tonight?” asked Cheah gently. “ What?..Dinner? I have no mood for makan-makan lah….rasa nak tidur sampai pagi esok…wha why weren’t you with Christine?” ask Ridzuan curiously. “Why Christine? Hey come on k, m free and feel like spending time with, I tried calling Rahul but he was engaged…Jasmine as usual with her mom, so left you. Are you gonna let me down as well?” Pleaded Cheah. “ Okay…I will get ready in 10, u pick me and its your treat k. By the way, I have something to ask you too” “About what?”asked Cheah. “We’ll talk about it later.”replied Ridzuan. So Ridzuan got off his bed and headed towards the bathroom with his boxer pants.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chapter 5

“Sedapnya masakan ni, tak percayalah aku sendiri dah cedok 3 kali…..kenyang tapi macam masih nak makanlah…look at my tummy…its so funny….bloated dah ni…” Rahul seperti biasa dengan gelagat lucunya.
“Rahul, baik you stop eating, you are scaring us, I don’t wanna stay to see it burst.” Jasmine warned Rahul.
“Hey come on girl, I wonder how you girls actually carry those in there for 9 crazy months, isn’t that quite torturing?” Rahul curiga.
“Then do you wanna carry that baby instead, I bet you wont. Anyhow, its not that difficult, it’s a gift actually. You better get married and ask your wife about it then.” Jasmine tries to clear the clouds on Rahul’s mind while helping Ridzuan to wash the dishes.
“Thank you so much Jasmine, you are such a gem. Rahul, please yourself with the desserts.” Ridzuan mempelawa.
“Crap, cut the formalities, I dah taste pun benda tu. Memang manis. Where you bought all this? Memang sedap lah.” Rahul tries to speak with his mouth full.
“Cheah, why are you so quite, is it spicy, the food?’ Ridzuan asks Cheah.
“No, it’s not spicy, only that I was left speechless. The food was delicious, especially the chicken, my father mesti suka. Mana you beli, I pun nak beli lah nanti.” Cheah expressing his gratitude over the food.
“Nah dessertnya, huh, I beli lah makanan ni, it was a big story, the food was actually prepared by my half friend, Lydia.” Terang Ridzuan.
“Lydia, Half Friend….!!’ Sampuk Rahul.
So Ridzuan narrates the whole story all over again. The guys were fascinated.
“So, you are interested in her? Tell us, how she looks?” Tanya jasmine dengan penuh minat.
“Jasmine, don’t worry, she must be prettier than you!!” tease Rahul. “Rahul, awak ni kan……” Jasmine deliberately throws the small pillow towards Rahul.
“Guys. Please stop, lets hear the rest of the story, so Ridzuan, does she know that you are falling for her?” Tanya Cheah.
“Entahlah Cheah….” Sighs Ridzuan. “ Eh jap, sambung after I come back from the gents…urgent ni.” Rahul interrupts.
“Aduh Rahul ni, memang once input, mesti kena immediately output, cis.”
“Memang betul Jasmine, RIdzuan, do you know, when the last time we guys went to Cameron Highlands, you could not come cos you were busy with your patients, Si Rahul ni kan, after lunch in one of the Indian Restaurant on top there, we went down to the Cactus Valley, you tahu tak, Rahul was busy looking for a spot to piss and while he was pissing, he got caught by the security guard there…malu dibuatnya…hehehehe…so Rahul bayarlah compound. We all hilang dari tempat tu….sebab the guards were looking one kind only..malu giler…” terang Cheah.
“Memang malu lah Ridzuan, huh…tu pun dia.” Jasmine added.
“Ni mesti gossip pasal I ni. Eh kalau bladder tu dah full, kena lah kosongkan….tak kira tempat tau…”Rahul cuba pertahan.
“Awak ni kan Rahul, memang joker lah. Hahahaha…..” The whole gang laughs to Ridzuan’s statement.
“dah..dah…enough, so Ridzuan, when are you going to tell her…?Tanya Rahul.
“Tell her what…..hey guys….janganlah..malu lah i…heheh.” Ridzuan luahkan rasa malunya.
“Amboi malu pulak dah…..hey…pandai cinta pandailah you tell her….but you better find out apa isi hati dia…and try to get closer to her.” Jasmine advices.
“Yes you are right, don’t make any abrupt movement, this involves the lives of two person…so take your time…get to know her more..slowly men.” Rahul too lend his advices.
“Hey Rahul, so how about Sanjana, you dah propose ker?” Tanya Cheah pada Rahul.
“Wait, who is Sanjana…? Why I was not informed about this?” Ridzuan in shock.
“Ridzuan, si Rahul kita ni dah dilamun cinta..dengan rakan sekerja dia…Sanjana namanya.” Terang Cheah.
“Wah, patutlah lain macam je Si Rahul ni bile discuss topic cinta. So when are you going to introduce her to us?”Tanya Ridzuan.
“Guys, k…let me settle everything first, I am planning to propose her next week….so if everything is fine…then I will introduce her ok. Hey Cheah, awak pula apa kurangnya, what happen to Christine ah”? Rahul cuba kenakan Cheah pula.
“Hey. Hold it there, so you guys have so many secrets already…I knew I have been busy lately…tetapi takan sejauh ni. So who is Christine and Jasmine, do you have any stories to share as well. Please keep me updated. Gosh….m too backward now…cant believe this.” Ridzuan mengeluh.
“Please don’t mistake us, its maybe because you are too busy with your work that we decide not to disturb you, today is the day for us to tell you everything. Don’t worry Ridzuan. M still single as usual. Our friend Cheah is dating Christine….still dating her….” Explains Jasmine.
“Benar Ridzuan, we are not ignoring or hiding anything intentionally…just that we don’t get the time to gather and share…so since now we are here,…don’t mistake us k. M still dating Christine, She an Accountant in PriceWaterHOuse…well you know girls….very hard to persuade….so m still kind of convincing her…” terang Cheah.

“Cheah, that’s a very general statement, not all girls are like that…”Jasmine cuba pertahan.
“Yup not all girl, definitely not you….kalau tidak takan you menolak cinta Harris….Jasmine…ingat..belum cuba belum tahu.” Rahul cuba mengungkit sesuatu.
“Rahul, itu lain cerita k….he annoys me k….eeehhh…why you mention about him..hate to hear his name!”
“That’s what I love to see from you…” Terlompat-lompat Rahul.
“You are a rotten egg Rahul, you stinks” Marah Jasmine.
“Sebusuk manapun…masih disukai Sanjana…hahaha” gelak Rahul.
“Ok guys…enough..stop it…stop the pillow war…its new…” Rahul tries to calm the situation.
“Hey Ridzuan. So can we meet Lydia. Wanna thank her for such good food.” Cheah bertanya.
“I don’t think so, she has gone out…some errants to complete. But I asked her out for lunch. So we go together lah…” terang Ridzuan.
“Eh, Betulker ni…atau you sengaja tak nak kita orang see her yet ker….?” perli Rahul.
“Eh, mana ada…benar lah…mother promise” Said Ridzuan sambil mendongak air dari gelas.
“Seems like kita tak der peluang lah kali ni….its ok..there is always another time….oopss..gimme a second..need to answer the call….yes..yeah m done….on the way…15 minutes…alright.” Said Cheah.
“Guys, I need to chow…christine is waiting…catch you guys later…all the best to both of you…Rahul and Ridzuans….wow..2 R’S on the verge of love….haha…” Said Cheah.
“Its ok Cheah…..take care and thanks for the you wanna pack some of the chicken for your father…?” Said Ridzuan.
“I don’t mind but m going to see Christine…and m not sure how long I will be with her…hope you understand..”Said Cheah.
“In that case. I think I will make a move as well, anyway thanks for the lovely food, send my regards to Lydia and take care Ridzuan.” Rahul walks towards the exit door.
“Yes, me too, Rahul will drop me…so thanks dear…take care…and my loveliest regards to your lady Lydia…muah…”Sambil memeluh dan menguncup Ridzuan.
“So guys..tak nak tapau ker…..banyak lagi tu..”pelawa Ridzuan.
“Its ok lah…” answered Jasmine and Rahul sambil memakai kasut.
The three gents shake their hands and Ridzuan led them to the elevator.

M home at last..

Hi sorry...for not keeping in touch for so long ah...coulod it be around 5 months....aahh...i was busy with work and other errants...some of my friends rang and requested me to continue the novel which i have left it half way m catching up with it....soon i will publish the fifth chapter and hopefully the subsequent as well. Miss you all guys.....Take care and advance Merry Christmas to all Christians out there.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Deciding is Tough

Recently i was forced into making many anonymous decisions...decisions that eventually play bigger role in determining my future. What i learned is, actually making decision is a very tough process one could not resist. The reason being is that the decision actually impacts deeply towards all the other undertakings. M planning to change my job but there are too many things to consider....however...i have determined to move on. I am yet to tender in my resignation, my heart tells me to go ahead but my brain keep bugging me with different things. I even consulted some of my close friends who i consider as wiser people. They agreed with me.The factor is, i am looking for new opportunities out there.

Alright, Job is only one part of the decision making process, i am about to get myself an Iphone..original offcos...again i need to many considermany things from various areas. I have booked one with my friend and looking on the brighter side, there is an urge inside me pushing me towards buying the Iphone, as to please myself, on the other hand, something keep asking me..should i get i really deserve one? m really in the midst of making great decision which could imply greater impact in the later part of my life.

There are much more decisions awaiting me. Its just like puzzles..waiting for me to solve it...whether m getting it right or not..all depends on my own discretion.

As for now...i am very firm on leaving the current company and to proceed on getting a better one. Iphone is a secondary issue.

Yeah i know i still owe u guys the continuation of the novel...gimme more time please..